李 鑫,赵予嘉,林延平,刘 茹,窦大伟,卢博伦,许方园.针对蒙东电力交易抄表误差导致的电费结算偏差问题的分析与措施[J].电力需求侧管理,2023,25(4):110-116
Analysis and measures on the deviation of electricity bill settlement caused by meter reading error in Mengdong region
投稿时间:2023-02-07  修订日期:2023-05-20
DOI:10. 3969 / j. issn. 1009-1831. 2023. 04. 018
中文关键词: 抄表误差  误差传递性  敏感性分析  应对措施
英文关键词: meter reading error  error transferability  sensitivity analysis  response
李 鑫 内蒙古东部电力交易中心有限公司呼和浩特 010000 
赵予嘉 广东工业大学 自动化学院广州 510006 
林延平 内蒙古东部电力交易中心有限公司呼和浩特 010000 
刘 茹 内蒙古东部电力交易中心有限公司呼和浩特 010000 
窦大伟 内蒙古东部电力交易中心有限公司呼和浩特 010000 
卢博伦 内蒙古东部电力交易中心有限公司呼和浩特 010000 
许方园 广东工业大学 自动化学院广州 510006 
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      With the deepening of power market reform in the east of Mengdong region, the scale of power trading has been gradually expanded, and power settlement errors and deviation handling have been the focus and difficulty of power trading settlement in east of Mengdong. To address the above problems, a mathematical model of user electricity bill settlement based on the settlement rules of Mengdong electricity trading center is constrcted. Sensitivity analysis is conducted on the issue of the transmissibility of meter reading errors, the link to the transmission effect of meter reading error is determined. According to this impact link, two measures such as“early warning”and“spread income analysis”are proposed to deal with the deviation of bill settlement and profit loss caused by meter reading errors of customers, the effectiveness of the measures are verificated by simulation of arthmetic cases.
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