姚志华,余 波,袁法培,王林炎,钟 鹏.考虑碳排放目标的配电网源网荷储优化调度探究[J].电力需求侧管理,2023,25(3):80-86
Optimal scheduling of distribution network side source network load storage considering dual-carbon targets in distribution market
投稿时间:2022-12-05  修订日期:2023-03-07
DOI:10. 3969 / j. issn. 1009-1831. 2023. 03. 013
中文关键词: 双碳  配电网  源网荷储  优化调度
英文关键词: double carbon  distribution network  source-network-load-storage  optimized dispatching
姚志华 国网浙江省电力有限公司 杭州供电公司杭州 310057 
余 波 国网浙江省电力有限公司 杭州供电公司杭州 310057 
袁法培 国网浙江省电力有限公司 杭州供电公司杭州 310057 
王林炎 国网浙江省电力有限公司 杭州供电公司杭州 310057 
钟 鹏 浙江启程电子科技股份有限公司杭州 310028 
摘要点击次数: 867
全文下载次数: 228
      随着电力碳交易市场落地实践,以县级为单位的配网范围碳排放配额和现货价格将成为配电网调度运行不可忽略的因素,配网侧源、网、荷、储可调度资源逐步丰富。首先在现货市场环境下对配网侧“源、网、荷、储”进行电力经济建模,同时对各类电源进行碳排放效益建模,考虑碳市场和配网范围碳配额影响,建立购电效益和碳排放效益多目标优化调度模型,采用模式搜索算法进行优化求解,并实际数据对IEEE 33节点系统进行算例分析,证明模型和算法的有效性,深入探究了“源、荷、储”规模比例、碳排放价格、核证自愿减排量价格以及碳配额对调度运行的影响。
      With the landing practice of electricity spot market, carbon emission allowances of distribution network and electricity spot prices will become factors that cannot be ignored in the Dispatching operation of the distribution network. dispatchable resources such as electric source, storage, and load, gradually become more and more abundant. Firstly, the model of“source-network-load-storage”on the distribution network side are proposed in the spot market environment, and at the same time, the paper conduct carbon emission benefit modeling for various power sources. Then power purchase benefits and carbon emission benefit optimization optimization scheduling model with multi- objective of power purchase cost and carbon emission benefit is established by considering the impact of the carbon trading price and regional quota limit. The effectiveness of the model is proved by using the pattern search algorithm to optimize the solution based on actual data. Finally, influence of the“source, load, storage”scale ratio,carbon emissions trading prices, the price of Chinese certified emission reduction and carbon allowances on dispatch operations is analyzed.
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