Market-oriented trading method to source-grid-load trading in distribution network based on cooperative game
投稿时间:2022-09-27  修订日期:2022-11-15
中文关键词: 电力市场化交易  供电联盟  合作博弈  售电商  电采暖负荷
英文关键词: power supply alliance  cooperative game  e-commerce  electric heating load
仝新宇 国网天津市电力公司 城西供电分公司天津 300190 
张宇泽 国网天津市电力公司 城西供电分公司天津 300190 
张长生 智能电网教育部重点实验室(天津大学)天津 300072 
杨乔川 国网天津市电力公司 城西供电分公司天津 300190 
杨白洁 智能电网教育部重点实验室(天津大学)天津 300072 
摘要点击次数: 684
全文下载次数: 246
      在能源互联网的发展背景下,分布式电源(distributed generation,DG)和电采暖负荷通过组成供电联盟的方式实现内部生产和消费,促进新能源消纳,同时参与市场化交易已成为必然趋势。首先给出了以DG和电采暖负荷组成的供电联盟参与市场交易模式存在的条件;其次,运用合作博弈理论,制定了联盟交易模式下的定价机制,并提出了各参与方利益的计算方法;然后,以代理供电联盟的售电商利益最优为目标,构建了供电联盟选择及日前撮合和报价模型;最后,通过对联盟交易模式进行仿真和分析,证明了其可行性和优化决策模型的有效性。
      In the context of the development of energy Internet, it has become an inevitable trend for distributed generation (DG)and electric heating load to achieve internal production and consumption by forming a power supply alliance, promote the consumption of new energy, and participate in market-oriented transactions. The conditions for the existence of the market transaction mode of power supply alliance composed of DG and electric heating load are given. Secondly, using the cooperative game theory,the pricing mechanism under the alliance transaction mode is established, and the calculation method of the interests of each participant is proposed. Then, with the goal of optimizing the interests of the sellers of the proxy power supply alliance, the model of power supply alliance selection, day ahead matching and quotation is constructed. Finally, through the simulation and analysis of the alliance transaction mode, the feasibility and the effectiveness of the optimization decision model are proved.
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