杜 帅,丰玉帆.考虑系统性风险的现货市场双边报价交易机制与模型[J].电力需求侧管理,2023,25(1):12-19
Bilateral quotation trading mechanism and model in spot market considering systemic risk
投稿时间:2022-10-03  修订日期:2022-11-27
中文关键词: 现货市场  双边报价  系统性风险  出清模型  新能源发电商
英文关键词: spot market  bilateral offer  systematic risk  clearing model  renewable energy generator
杜 帅 国核电力规划设计研究院有限公司 智慧能源设计中心北京 100095 
丰玉帆 国核电力规划设计研究院有限公司 智慧能源设计中心北京 100095 
摘要点击次数: 748
全文下载次数: 228
      With the acceleration of China’spower market construction process, more and more new energy and customer-side resources will become main participants of market transactions. Unlike traditional thermal power generators, these renewable energy generators have more flexible bidding strategies and more complex and variable bidding behaviors, which also bring more risks to the power market, and there is an urgent need for a spot market trading mechanism applicable to the participation of renewable energy generators.Thus,aspotmarketbilateraltradingmechanismisdesigned, an offer model for renewable energy generators and the cus tomer side are analysed and established. Then, aCoVaR - based systematic risk index for market participants is constructed, a systematic risk assessment method for different market players is given, and a risk- averse clearing model for bilateral trading in the spot market is proposed. Finally, the systemic risk of different subjects is calculated through simulation of arithmetic cases, and the results of market transactions without and with the systemic risk clearing model are analyzed to verify the effectiveness of the model.
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