郭艳霞,徐正一,琚 赟.基于改进子任务门控网络的非侵入居民负荷分解[J].电力需求侧管理,2023,25(1):05-11
Non-intrusive residential load disaggregation based on ad⁃vanced SGN
投稿时间:2022-10-08  修订日期:2022-12-10
中文关键词: 非侵入负荷分解  子任务门控网络  空间注意力  通道注意力
英文关键词: non- intrusive load disaggregation  SGN  spatial attention  channel attention
郭艳霞 华北电力大学北京 102200 
徐正一 华北电力大学北京 102200 
琚 赟 华北电力大学北京 102200 
摘要点击次数: 772
全文下载次数: 251
      Non-intrusive residential load disaggregation is of great significance for mining the energy demand on the user side. However, the current power decomposition model does not converge well and the inference cycle is computationally intensive. A non-intrusive load decomposition model based on sequence-to-subsequence and subtask gated networks(SGN )is investigated in the paper. Firstly, a sequence-to-subsequence approach is used to construct a sub-task gating network, combining a power decomposition regressiontaskwithanappliancestateclassificationtaskto achieve a mapping from the main power sequence to the target appliance sub- series. Then a channel attention module and a spatial attention module are added to improve the feature extraction capability of the model. Experimental results based on the UK-dale da taset show that the method not only reduces the difficulty of convergence of the model and the computational effort of the inference cycle, but also significantly improves the accuracy of the decomposition.
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