Power purchase recommendation algorithm based on user collaborative filtering
投稿时间:2020-03-08  修订日期:2020-06-12
DOI:10. 3969 / j. issn. 1009-1831. 2020. 05. 011
中文关键词: 大用户直购电  基于用户的协同过滤算法  马氏距离  购电推荐
英文关键词: large user direct power purchase  user ⁃ based collaborative filtering  mahalanobis distance  power purchase recommendation
荣以平 国网山东省电力集团公司 营销部济南 250001 
张鹏 国网山东滨州供电公司山东 滨州 256600 
朱伟义 国网山东省电力集团公司 营销部济南 250001 
张敏 山东大学 电气工程学院济南 250061 
代佰华 国网山东滨州供电公司山东 滨州 256600 
张利 山东大学 电气工程学院济南 250061 
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      After the opening of the electricity retail market,large power users are faced with the problem of how to find a suitable trading partner from a large number of power producers. As a service oriented enterprise, power grid companies have a good will to providerecommendation service for power consumers. In order to meet this new demand, a power purchase recommendation algorithm based on user collaborative filtering is proposed. In order to eliminate the unreasonable similarity calculation caused by the large difference of attribute elements in the data set, a new method based on Mahalanobis distance is proposed to form a similar user set. Furthermore, the proportion of purchasing power amount that represents the user’s preference for power plant is defined, which is used as the order basis for the recommendation of purchasing trading partners. Case studies based on Shandong electric power market transaction data are carried out. The results show that the algorithm is feasible.
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