Research of index system and typical curves on photovoltaic power output characteristics
中文关键词: 光伏发电  指标体系  电网运行  典型曲线
英文关键词: photovoltaic (PV) power  index system  power system operation  typical curve
王建学 西安交通大学 电气工程学院西安 710049 
张耀 西安交通大学 电气工程学院西安 710049 
万筱钟 国家电网公司西北分部西安 710048 
摘要点击次数: 4144
全文下载次数: 5482
      There has been a rapid development of photovoltaic (PV) power in recent years.Further analysis about the feature of PV power output was also a research focus.However, we have not got the mature PV power evaluation index system.After the data calculation, we found that the randomness of PV power output was less than that of wind power output.Therefore, we could choose alternatively some simple and refined index system to character PV power output.In this paper, we proposed an evaluation index system for PV power output.The index ‘PV power output season’ is used to describe the period of PV power output during different season.The index “averaged PV power output” is used to describe the level of PV power output.The index “maximum PV power output per day” is applied to quantitatively analyze the impact of PV power output on peaking service.The paper takes the output of an actual photovoltaic power station as an example, explains the indexes in detail and the application in curve classification.The results show that the proposed index system can directly describe PV power characteristics and form the typical curves, which has good application prospect.
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